Jimmiki Kammal


This post will give us the reason for wearing the most trending topic in recent days ‘Jimmiki Kammal’

When a baby is born, the two most significant rituals are the naming and ear piercing ceremony. Ear piercing is not restricted for a particular gender. For girl child ear piercing is done on the left side first and for boy child it is done on the right. Gold , silver or iron needle is used to pierce the ears. A thin wire is inserted in the holes to prevent them from closing.

According to Susruta, the great Indian surgeon , ear piercing prevents diseases like hernia and hydrocele. The flow of current in human body is regulated by wearing earrings. The nerves connect to the eye and provide friction which results in better eyesight for both men and women.

For female it is connected to the reproductive organs. It is also believed that earrings regulate their menstrual cycle and prevents diseases like hysteria and other diseases.

Now-a-days most of them consider Indian rituals to be superstitious. It is ones duty to understand the science behind each and every ritual, rather than blindly following it because it is a sin to do so.


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