
Being a girl why are you not keeping bindi/tilak in your forehead?

The most common question that each and every girl would have faced from parents/relatives/ancestors. Some girls feel irritated by hearing those words often. But have you ever wondered why they are asking to do so?

Most of our traditional practices are anticipated to be religious rather than scientific. Each and every custom of ours has logical/scientific reasons of its own. In this post we are going witness the various reasons associated with bindi/tilak.

Bindi is kept on the forehead between two eyebrow which is considered to be the major nerve point in the human body. The Tilak is believed to prevent the loss of “energy”, the red ‘kumkum’ between the eyebrows is said to retain energy in the human body and control the various levels of concentration.

The act of placing tilak in the mid-brow region facilitates blood flow to the facial muscles.
It is believed that Sindoor activates the pituitary and pineal gland, to ensure better functioning of the body and mind of a women.

Sindoor is prepared with the help mercury, turmeric and lime. Mercury, a catalyst  helps ease stress, keeps the brain active and alert. Mercury also does the job of controlling blood pressure, activating sexual drive and libidinal energy.

The trigeminal nerve is responsible for sensation in the entire face and it passes through this area. Stimulating this nerve helps reduce the swelling and congestion in your sinuses. This nerve also keeps the skin young and facial muscles strong. The medical industry is now researching ways to stimulate this nerve with very low intensity in order to treat depression.

The supratrochlear nerve also passes through this area. It is connected to all the muscles around the eyes, so stimulating this nerve is believed to improve vision and eye health.

After knowing these reasons, hope our girls won’t give chance to anyone to ask about their bindi.


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