look into the ancient past of India and its temples reveals the fundamental
science and purpose behind temple building. Far from being a place of prayer or
worship, temples were created as powerful spaces where an individual could
imbibe the enshrined energies. Most temples were created to address a
particular aspect of life, and were thus consecrated to activate one or two
particular chakras, the main energy centers within the human system.
Temples are constructed in a Place where the positive energy is abundantly
available from The Magnetic and Electric Wave Distributions of North/South Pole
Thrust. The main idol of god is placed in the center of the location, the Core
Center of Temple Known as “Garbha Gudi”/”Garbhagriha” / “Moolasthanam”.
The thing most of us don’t know is the temple structure is build after the idol
location is confirmed and placed. The core center of temple is the place where
the magnetic waves are found to be maximum. We all know that copper plates
inscribed with vedic scripts (shlokas) will be buried beneath the main idol.
They absorb the earth’s magnetic waves and radiates it to the surroundings. Thus
a person who regularly visits temples and walking clockwise around the main
idol (around garbhagriha) receives the beamed magnetic waves and her/his body
absorbs it. This is a very slow process. Visiting the temple frequently will
let us absorb more of this positive energy. Scientifically, it is the positive
energy that we all need to have a health

you would notice, in a temple, the chamber of the god is closed on three sides.
This increases the effect of all energies. The lamp that is lit radiates heat
energy and also provides light inside the sanctum to the priests. The ringing
of the bells and the chanting of prayers takes a worshipper into trance, thus
not letting his mind waver. When done in groups, this helps people forget
personal problems for a while and relieve their stress.
olden days, temples were built in such a way that the floor at the center of
the temple were good conductors of these positive vibrations allowing them to
pass through our feet to the body. Hence it is necessary to walk bare footed
while you enter the core center of the temple. Five senses of Human Body
are sight, hearing, touch, taste, and smell. These are activated by the
following actions in the temple:
positive energy in the temple is absorbed properly only if you ensure that all
five senses are activated in your body while you are in the temple. Also the
place of worship is said to be pleased only if your five senses are pleased.
inner core of the temple is usually dark where the idol is placed. You usually
close your eyes to pray and when you open your eyes you should see the camphor
which was lit to do the Aarthi in front of the idol. This light seen inside the
dark activates your sight sense. The other reason of lighting camphor is for
the idol to absorb the heat and vibrate within the chamber for certain period. Once
the camphor is brought to you after offering the prayer, you usually put your
hands over the camphor to make your hands warm and then you touch your
eyes with your warm hands. This action assures your touch sense is active.
Flower, is good to see, spreads good fragrance, very soft to touch, the nectar given by flower pleases the tongue, and this combination is perfect for using at the temple. Only specific flowers are used for offering to God like rose petals, jasmine, marigold based on different factors, amongst them fragrance is most important. The fragrance of the flower, camphor and incense sticks all together have the strong essence to keep your smell sense active and pleasant giving calmness to the mind.
next part of your act would be to drink theertham, it is ideally from silver or
a copper vessel. The water used for theertham usually would contain Thulasi
leaves soaked in water and must be stored at least for eight hours in the
copper vessel. According to Ayurveda, water stored in a copper vessel has
the ability to balance all the three doshas in your body, (vata, kapha and
pitta) and it does so by positively charging the water. By drinking this
Thulasi water you activate the taste sense. The other benefits of drinking
Thulasi water from a copper or silver vessel also includes cure for sore
throats, fever & common cold, coughs, respiratory disorder,
formation of kidney stone, heart disorder chances will be reduced.
Finally, after performing all the above rituals you have to
walk around the idol inside the Garbhagirha, the inner most chamber of temple
in clockwise direction for nine times. Pradakshina literary means right side in
The idol inside the Garbhagriha absorbs all the energy from
the bell sound, camphor heat and vibrates the positive energy within the
Garbhagriha for certain duration of time. When you do pradakshina during the
pooja time, you tend to absorb all these positive vibrations, once your five
senses are activated. Hence you are advised to visit the temple very often and
follow the same rituals again.
Our practices are NOT some hard and fast rules framed by 1
man and his followers or God’s words in somebody’s dreams. All the rituals, all
the practices are, in reality, well researched, studied and scientifically
backed thesis which form the ways of nature to lead a good healthy life.
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