Thoppukaranam - Super Brain Yoga

Thorpi Karnam which is corrupted as Thoppukaranam in Tamil is performed by holding the left ear with right hand fingers and the right by left hand fingers and simultaneously sitting and standing in front of Lord Ganesha and seeks his blessings. In School days Teachers use to punish the Students if some naughty things or not doing Home work and ask us to do Thoppukarnam in front of the class as punishment. But what is saddening is that many of our traditions are being copyrighted by the western world, and the latest point in this case is "Thoppukaranam" being copyrighted as "Super Brain Yoga" and there are no answers why did we lose our theory of Brain YOGA to Americans.

Thorpi - means with the hands, and Karnam- means ears and hence "Thorpikarnam" means holding the ears with the hands which has been neglected by us, has been patented under the name "Super Brain Yoga" in US Super brain Yoga not only energizes and activates the brain, but also assists in balancing the energies of the heart, throat, ajna, and (center of the brain-eyebrow center) forehead and crown energy centers. The Crown energy center (also called the spiritual heart) located on the top of the head is the entry point to higher spiritual consciousness. Synchronizes the right and left side of the brain to improve function and promote calmness, energizing of cells and nervous system, sharper mind, focus, additional energy .This amazing yoga which you can do anywhere, anytime, any age.

Indians had believed that it improves concentration and activates parts of the brain which in turn helps one remain alert, improve memory and grasp knowledge and hence was used as a form of punishment for students. In the past few decades, lot of research studies were undertaken by Scientists & Doctors across the world on this method and the results were astonishing.

During the research, it was observed that Alpha waves activity increased immediately after performing this method for just 1 min. Since this method involves squeezing the lobes of ears, it is in accordance with acupressure in which pressing left ear activates the right brain & energizes the corresponding pituitary gland and vice-versa for right ear.
In another study, the result of an EEG showed an increased amplitude in the parieto-occipital region of the brain following the method which resulted in increased brain electrical activity.

Hence, this apparently simple method is not just a form of punishment or a religious practice but an exercise with scientific background which was discovered by Indians thousands of years ago and has been made a part of the Indian tradition.


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