Sacred ash / Vibuthi


 In the Indian Vedic tradition, every single thing you do and, every single rule is about energy. And I mean the right kind of energy that can take you to receiving life experiences at a higher consciousness. The simple quest is to have more positive energy coming into you. This would keep the body ready to receive the maximum of positive energy and drain the negative or inhibiting energies. You would have noticed how in similar situations you reacted very differently at different times because of your mood or the energy inside you. Wouldn't it help if you had the right kind of energy inside you at all times?

 Vibhuti or sacred ash helps in more receiving the maximum of positive energy. VI means valuable, bhoothi means asset (fame, wealth, treasure, etc). Sacred ash is prepared by burning dried cow dung flakes or sacred wood (Peepal, Bastard Teak, Neem, etc) during Homa. Any object when burnt, it turns into ash. When ash is burnt it remains as ash. So ash cannot be destroyed. It means we are worshiping indestructible god with indestructible ash.

Yogis have a practice of collecting the ash from cremations and applying it to certain parts of the body. It helps in making certain specific regions of the body sensitive to receive maximum positive energy. This is recommended because how we receive energy determines our reactions, and consequently our utilizations of the energies inside and around us.


  • There are so many types of headaches. But applying vibhuti or bhasma on the forehead is said to relieve the headache that is a result of excessive sun exposure.
  • In many alternative therapies, the point which lies between the two eyebrows has a peculiar role. Massaging and gently applying pressure in that area can provide relief from some types of headaches.
  •  Ash or 'bhasma' has an important role in ayurveda. It is actually used as an ingredient in certain ayurvedic medicines. Applying it on the forehead is said to prevent cold.
  • Stimulating the area between the eye brows can actually have another effect too. It can clear the sinuses. It can also prevent nose-block too. When you apply vibhuti regularly on the forehead, the area gets stimulated
  •     Applying ash to the forehead is also said to keep you positive. It is said to block the negative thoughts from entering your head by acting like a gate.
  •  When you gently apply pressure in the area between the brows, your mind feels relaxed and calm. This calming effect can reduce your stress levels. It can also prevent insomnia and help you sleep better.
  • Diseases caused by sweat on body can be prevented by applying sacred ash.
  • Body temperature can be controlled. Imbalances (dosha) in blood can be removed. It also has ability to maintain normal blood flow in the body.
  • Some people argue that sacred ash which is made from cow dung contains antibacterial properties this is the reason people will intake a pinch of ash when they are sick. It also improves physical and mental state of a person by giving energy and enthusiasm and removing laziness.


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