Sacred ash / Vibuthi

In the Indian Vedic tradition, every single thing you do and, every single rule is about energy. And I mean the right kind of energy that can take you to receiving life experiences at a higher consciousness. The simple quest is to have more positive energy coming into you. This would keep the body ready to receive the maximum of positive energy and drain the negative or inhibiting energies. You would have noticed how in similar situations you reacted very differently at different times because of your mood or the energy inside you. Wouldn't it help if you had the right kind of energy inside you at all times? Vibhuti or sacred ash helps in more receiving the maximum of positive energy. VI means valuable, bhoothi means asset (fame, wealth, treasure, etc). Sacred ash is prepared by burning dried cow dung flakes or sacred wood (Peepal, Bastard Teak, Neem, etc) during Homa. Any object when burnt, it turns into ash. When ash is burnt it remains as ash. So...